Saturday, September 5, 2009

welcome to dorm living.. rude awakening next exit.

Yesterday we ventured out to buy pots and pans for the apartment. I manage to learn how difficult it is to get everyone together to do one task. Especially when everyone has their agenda's and plans.. needless to say im learning to only worry about myself and get what I need.

The other day at orientation my advisor said something that struck me. She said "I know you'er worried about not having all your classes finalized but we are more lax about it here..we don't really worry about it because we know everything will eventually work itself out" I sat there feeling like a little bit of enlightenment was just sprinkled on me and I thought to myself "wow, thats so true, maybe thats the lesson in all of this." I feel like in America we are always rushing around trying to get the best result the first time and if everything isn't done in order we freak out. I guess sometimes it just takes a little faith.

Last night was interesting to say the least. We set out to go into dublin with a large group and then before I knew it Stephanie and Gauthier and myself were being wisked away in a taxi with 3 other Irish girls to find a irish pub. The taxi driver took us to this street where we were promised would be a "happening" place and have lots of students. Maybe he wasn't a local but he dropped us off in a place that had no students and was definitly not happening. Soo in another split second decision Steph and I decided we were going to temple bar. Finally we had come to a place where there were people and pubs. We went to a place called thunder something or other. I provided the most entertainment for the night when we were leaving and I walked right into a clear door. No Joke. True Story. It was like that windex commercial. Just walked right into it. I had had only 1 drink too. I just didn't see it. O well, it was funny..haha. We found a nice pub called fitzgeralds. by the time we got there it was dead but they promise live music tonight and it is cozy like your stereotypical irish pub soo we are going there tonight. We also tried a irish dance club. my intuition was confirmed that night clubbing isn't really my crowd. but I tried which is all that matters.

Stephanie and I have a theme song, Bon Jovi's Living on a Prayer. We heard it twice last night. it just happens to be a fitting song for the next couple of months. and we obviously break out into song whenever we are heading into a unfamiliar place.

Moving on..last night I was awoken by the sound of some canadian guy puking in my bathroom. needless to say it was nasty and one should never had to be awoken by a stranger making violent noises like that. im sure you can use your imagination. Hopefully that was a once in a lifetime kind of occurance.. but im guessing it won't be.

This afternoon my cousin Aideen will be picking me up and taking me to one of her childrens games (not quite sure which kind) I was told its near the coast and Bono lives in the area. Yes, Bono. And then after she is going to show me around Dublin and stuff like that. I'm excited.. I gotta go shower and maybe go into the city. Good Morning America and Good Afternoon Ireland.


  1. so happy to hear you are getting around and that you have connected with aideen!!!! and yes, moo-moo, everything DOES eventually work out... so happy you had to go 3000 miles to understand what i've been trying to tell you ;).

  2. Any pub called Fitzgerald's has to be a good one!
