Thursday, September 3, 2009

Just follow the red line..

Today I went to orientation. A bit boring but some info was shared. I did learn that all of my classes are in one of the most confusing buildings known to man. Apparently it was built during the 60's when Ireland was having alot of protests. So in order to make sure the students didn't rally together they made this maze of classrooms where its organized by section and apparently its possible to be stuck on the 3rd floor in the history tower and need to get to the 3rd floor of the arts tower. Something of that nature.. sounds kinda crazy to me.. I mean I get lost in a bulding thats got 1 floor. I cant imagine what will happen if Im trying to navigate a building thats purposely trying to get students lost.**fingers crossed** Next Monday should be interesting..I'm probably going to take my schedule over and walk around b4 Monday. I have a little Rory Gilmore in me I suppose.
Yesterday was very successful in getting stuff done. I managed to get a bank account, a student card, and a free travel card. ++Random intersting fact: Cotton Candy is called Candy Floss in Ireland++ Anyways.. I hear there is a small collection of bed that have bed bugs in them.. not a big fan of that. I'm pretty sure I dont have any but its certainly makes you look twice at the little black lint pieces.
Last night we had one of our first random Dublin adventures. We got lost (apparently in the rich part of Dublin)but lost none the less. We were told that there was pub that was a 15 minute walk away from campus soo Annabelle, Steph, Ana, Gaulthier and Myself sent out on foot to find this pub. Well after about 20 minutes of walking we stopped and asked a nice Irish lady in a pharmacy and she told us it was about another 25 minutes. And I guess we figured we had come that far why not continue on our journey.. needless to say either the Irish have no sense of time or they walk really fucking fast.. but it was like 35 minutes b4 we actually found the place. It had good fish and chips(much better then in the US..sorry) for like 7 euro. We then had to find our way back in the dark and Annabelle (who is an excellent navigator took us through neighborhoods that were like right out of Harry Potter movie I swear). Don't worry Mom, I'm still in one piece but if you could send money that would be lovely.
Crazy but I've only been here for 4 days and I already hear the words in my head with an Irish accent. I just might come home with one. haha.. I'm off to do some errands. Good Morning America and Good Afternoon Ireland.


  1. haha - how come you can always find your way around a MALL? im sending money... also, you look for bedbugs in the seams of the mattresses. take off the sheet or the mattress pad and look under the bed,,, in the seams... around any cracks... bedbugs hide and they're resistant... so dont take any chances...if you want i can send you a plastic mattress cover... xox mommy

  2. Sounds like a great start to a wonderful adventure. Heed your mom's advice about the bedbugs. I'd let her send you a plastic cover.

  3. Oh Meg, you are VERY funny! Thank you so much for the morning update AND laughter!
