Tuesday, September 8, 2009

throwing babies out of the bath water...

firsy day of classes was an experience. my first class was sociology of education, the one and only class that can be considered close to my major, was taught by a little old irish man named Patrick Clancy. I'm not sure you can get anymore irish then the name Patrick Clancy. I guess the class was ok.. it was little dry.. and especially for 10 in the morning when I've been sleeping till 12:30. im hoping that class will become more interesting because if not then im in serious trouble. then there was Pagan Celts which I'm taking with Steph(which happens to be its only redeeming quality). the class didn't come with a syallbus or any instruction on which book to buy or required reading. infact we didn't really go over much except the 20 minute rant about why we should come to class (im going to assume that they have a problem with students not coming to class) though im not quite sure why i would need a talk on why to come to school, when im sitting in class. seems silly to me. then she went on to start talking about the celts for 40 minutes. now i wish i could enlighten everyone with some interesting information but i was totally lost and had no idea where we were starting, where we were going, or what we were actutalling talking about. let me remind you its a 1000 level class. first class in the area. the one thing I got from the lecture was she kept saying "we wouldn't want to throw the baby out of the bath water.." i don't know about anyone but im generally not in the business of throwing babies or anyone out of the bath. needless to say Steph and I found this comical through out all our confusion.

And if i thought lectures couldn't get any worse, i definitly didn't see the tutorials coming. i was finally told which book to buy but was quickly told that it was a hard book to come by.. how convienent. we spent the tutorial going over the roman gods and goddesses. im not quite sure what they have to do with what we went over in class but im sure its supposed to make sense to someone. hopefully someone got it bc it was totally lost on me and steph. With this excellent start to the next 4 months of education, Steph and I decided the best way to deal with this minor set back would be to drink some wine. lots of wine. and thats what we did.

I came to the realization that I am signed up for classes that really have nothing to do with my major and therefor its my mission today to correct that. As my Mother always says "its easy because you like to study it" well if i can't get any classes close to my major then studying here is going to be quite difficult.


  1. the roman gods and goddesses... okay, here's why they matter... when teh romans conquered the celts, they didnt expect the celts to give up their gods... they simply pointed out all the similarities between THEIR gods and goddesses and the indigenous beliefs of the conquered peoples. the reason they thought it okay to do so was because this was pretty much what had happened when rome absorbed greece... they matched up the greek gods, gave them roman names and proceeded to pretty much believe everything the greeks had. however, when they tried to do with the celts... it wasn't quite such a nice matchup. the word "celt" comes from the greek "keltoi" - the mysterious ones... and the experience you just had in class... not sure where you are, where you're going or what you're doing there at all - is actually quite celtic in nature. the celts were comfortable in such situations... they didn't need to be linear. approach this class as a spiral, meggie... if we could all get back to the pagan celt living inside us all, this world would be a far happier place.

  2. Well ... your experience and your mom's comment both remind me of just how perplexed *I* continue to be by many/all?-things-Celt, and yet how undeniably connected I feel to that world. When it comes right down to it, I am most comfortable and comforted in the Mystery. In any event - best wishes and may day two fare a bit better!
