Tuesday, November 17, 2009

New Moon is coming.. and soo is Paris.

And soo it begins.. I have reached the point in my trip where I have less then 2 weeks of classes left and the realization that I have to write 2 papers in the next week and a half with a trip to Paris in between. In the past couple of days, its hit me that my time in Ireland is coming to an end. Its bittersweet at this point. I suppose that is the way it goes.When you are finally comfortable in one place and know your way around its time to pack up again. On Saturday night, I took the bus into the city all on my own and walked the little ways to meet all my friends. I suppose it doesn't sound like such a big deal..but as I was doing it i felt so independent. I made me a little proud and left me with a feeling that I could do anything. Oo how far I have come. I think its the little things in life that you have to learn to appreciate.

Friday, New Moon comes out. A day Libby and I have been looking forward to for a year now. I woke up yesterday and missed the kid like crazy. I don't know why but when I opened my eyes it was like the one person I wanted to talk to was the kid that has always been around annoying the crap out of me. People can say whatever they want about Twilight but I guess as dorky as it sounds its something that Libby and I do together. While she is 15 and I'm 22.. I feel like it forms a bridge between us. I certainly won't feel right seeing it without her on Friday..but I'm sure as soon as it starts I won't really mind. ;-)

Friday, I am finally making my first trip to Paris!!! I can't wait to stand next to the Eiffel Tower. Its going to be a pretty short trip but it should be a good time. Tom is coming this time and he has the ability to keep me laughing through whatever trials or tribulations we encounter. Soo.. I'm excited. This also means Thanksgiving is coming up soon and my Euro Trip of 2009!!! It feels like forever ago that we were just planning these trips. And now we are actually doing them.

I also figured out that I am finished with exams and school Dec 08. This means I have 2 weeks in Europe after school is over!! I think we are all going to plan a trip or two.. it should be good times. Good night Ireland and Good evening America.


  1. I just said to my spouse this morning that it is the little things (allllllllways the little things) that seem to hold the most value (for good or ill :)).

    Enjoy your time in Paris. I hope to return to that city one day ... soon.
