Tuesday afternoon I was pleasantly surprised when I opened my email to find a email from Aideen. She invited me to a home cooked meal. HELL YES! Wednesday night, Aideen's husband Johnny picked me up and took me to their house. The first thing Aideen said to me when I walked in the door was "Meg! You've lost weight! You aren't eating.. we are going to have to fatten you up tonight" We had chicken, carrots, potato's, some french pastry, and blueberry crumble. It was amazing. I love home cooked food. It was kind of a bitter sweet feeling being around a family. While it was amazing being around family..it also made me realize what I am missing at home. I think I've realized if there is one thing that is the lonely feeling in the world is eating dinner alone. And at home there is always at least 1 person around to eat with you..even if that's just Bud-Bud or Sam Chop. But anyways, nonetheless it was a fabulous meal and lovely getting to talk to people who actually know my family. I never thought I would say this but I am actually looking forward to DeeDee coming. If there is 1 thing that's close to having your Mom around its having your grandmother.
We started out the weekend with a bang being Steph's 20th Birthday on Thursday. I made a banner and blew up 30 balloons all on my own and decorated my apartment to surprise her. We originally planned for have dinner at Stephs place but since no1 wanted to get up on Thursday at 7am and decorate the place.. Erica and I made the executive decision to throw an impromptu surprise party. We made quesadia's and I made a mocha cake with vanilla frosting. I managed to come up with an idea of telling Steph that I burnt the cake and she would have to come over to my place right away. Of course when I called her in a panic she told me it was no big deal about the cake and in a desperate act told her that there was smoke and the fire alarm might go off.. to which Steph apparently ran out of her apartment without stopping to tell Erica or Anna and came straight over. Its good to know if I had a fire I have a friend who would literally just stop everything for me. Needless to say she was surprised and the dinner and cake were amazing.
After dinner, we all got ready to go out and people started to arrive. We played kings and at the end.. Tom spilled his drink all over me. Soo I had to change my clothes b4 we even left belgrove. We went to Fitzgerald's, where Tom and I tried to get Stephs crush to kiss her. It didn't work..(but she ended up getting his number the next night). We then went to this club 21.. which still of course isn't really my thing but because it was Stephs bday I grinned and bared it.
Friday.. I literally spent the entire day in bed. I have started a new tradition of staying in bed and watching the new Grey's Anatomy after its been downloaded onto my Itunes, when I wake up on Friday mornings. And this Friday I had some birthday cake left over soo it was grand. By 7 I was restless and ended up going to a party with Emma.. which was interesting to say the least. They had a cake with a naked chick on all fours on the top of it. Yea.. I kid you not. I ended up coming home by 12:30 and ended up talking to Annabelle and Sean till about 4:30.. I seem to have managed to start a vicious sleep cycle.
Saturday, Stephanie and Gauthier and I went on the Guinness Tour. It was fun.. it was really just one big advertisement for Guinness. At the end though we ended up at the Sky Bar. It has the entire view of Dublin and a pint of Guinness waiting for you. I didn't end up finishing mine because I barely had anything to eat soo after half a pint I was already feeling it and I knew I had a long night ahead of me.
Saturday night we went out to celebrate Annabelle's 25th birthday. We had wine and some food at our apartment and then around 10 we headed out to a local bar. One the way to the bus stop we ran into Loic on his bike. While I was commenting on his funny light reflecting vest..we started to cross the street and I'm not quite sure how it happened but Steph went face first into Loic's bike. It was the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life. Of course she didn't move after and I had to scream at her about getting up because cars in Dublin don't care they will run you over. Still she totally beats my running into a clear door by 1000. absolutely hilarious.
We finally made it to the actual Temple Bar. I might have been impressed if we weren't so jam packed into such a little space. We didn't stay long because it was hot and I can only been that close to people in that kinda crowd before claustrophobia starts to set in. Steph, Sean and I separated from the group for about a half hour so we could go the Fitzgerald's and Steph could talk to the guy she is crushing on. She made me so proud.. She got his number and he got hers.. kids grow up soo fast ::tear:: We made our way over to Doyle's. It was clearly Steph's night because she ended up leaving the city with 3 guys numbers. It was a good night over all.. I was able to hide from the sweat-feast that is the upstairs of Doyle's by talking with Sean the entire night. Over all it turned out to be a great night.
Sunday, Tom and Steph and I went into city centre to find Halloween costumes. I found one that's really cute.. I'm going to be a Pilot. they didn't have my size but they are going to call me when it comes in. I also found a Gap in Dublin. It was walking into my homeland. I found a winter jacket soo I wont freeze in my fleece when it starts to rain and become extremely cold. Its nice to know that a feeling of going to an American mall is only a Gap away.
Monday, I was extremely impressed with myself. I managed to go to all of my classes, plus go to the food store.. clean the kitchen and all the dishes.. make dinner (soup and grilled cheese).. made banana bread (it was definitely not the best I've made..I kind of forgot that I don't have a fully stocked kitchen with baking instruments and also that I had to convert all the stuff.. soo I think its going to be a work in progess).. and I washed 3 loads of laundry. Its kind of ironic but I seem to be the only one who clean anything in my apartment. My roommates seem to take out the trash when I leave it by the door. There are some things I cant bring myself to do.. I feel like the trash is a guys job.. and while I may empty it.. I don't like having to take it to the dumpster. But I seem to be the only one who will clean the shower or clean the toilet or clean the oven and counter tops and Im the only one who has brought a vaccum into this apartment. (pick your mouth off the floor Mom.. I'm not a total pig) On that note.. I'm going to go watch a movie..I decided to put up some pictures from the weekend and of my room incase people were curious about what my room looks like.. Goodnight Dublin and Good Evening America.
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